The effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on coping style and emotional state of primary caregivers of Alzheimer′s disease
中文关键词: 认知行为干预  阿尔茨海默病  照顾者  应对方式  情绪状态  影响
英文关键词: Cognitive behavioral intervention  Alzheimer′s disease  Caregivers  Coping style  Emotional state  Impact
基金项目:广西壮族自治区卫计委计划课题(Z2014563)认知行为干预对阿尔茨海默病主要照顾者应对方式和情绪状态的影响 黄滨,韦海楼,何剑华 (南宁市第九人民医院护理部,广西 南宁 530409)〗
黄滨 南宁市第九人民医院护理部,广西 南宁 530409 
韦海楼 南宁市第九人民医院护理部,广西 南宁 530409 
何剑华 南宁市第九人民医院护理部,广西 南宁 530409 
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      目的 观察认知行为干预对阿尔茨海默病(AD)照顾者应对方式和情绪状态的影响。 方法 选择2014年1月至2016年1月AD病人的主要照顾者80名作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为两组,每组40名,对照组主要照顾者仅提供门诊或电话咨询,每月电话随访1次。观察组主要照顾者给予认知行为干预。入组时、居家6个月后采用Zung焦虑(SAS)、抑郁(SDS)自评量调查主要照顾者情绪状态,采用简易应对方式量表( SCSQ)评价照顾者应对方式。 结果 观察组干预 6个月后SAS、SDS评分为(35.35±2.00)、(37.57±0.70)分,明显低于入组时的(51.24±2.73)、(47.43±1.16)分,且低于对照组6个月后的(51.68±1.98)、(47.12±1.41)分,均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组干预6个月积极应对因子得分为(26.36±1.11)分,明显高于入组时的(20.44±0.83)分,且高于对照组6个月后的(20.87±0.89)分,消积应对因子得分(9.48±0.59)分,低于入组时的(15.34±0.73)分,且低于对照组6个月后的(15.67±0.50)分,均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 认知行为干预可改善AD照顾者情绪状态,促进应对方式向积极的方向发展,使病人在一个良性循环的模式中有质量的生活。
      Objective To observe the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention on the coping style and emotional state of Alzheimer′s disease (AD) caregivers. Methods From January 2014 to January 2016,0 main caregivers of patients with AD were selected as the research object,by using digital table and were randomly divided into two groups,with 40 in each group.in the control group,the caregivers only provide outpatient service or telephone consultation,1 time per month for 6 month.The group′s primary caregivers were given cognitive behavioral intervention.Into the group,home after six months using Zung anxiety (SAS) and depression (SDS) from evaluation survey main caregivers emotional state,using simplified coping style questionnaire (SCSQ) evaluation of caregivers coping styles. Results Team for intervention 6 months after the SAS and SDS score (35.35±2.00),(37.57±0.70),significantly lower than in group (51.24±2.73),(47.43±1.16) and lower than the control group after 6 months (51.68±1.98),(47.12±1.41),the difference had statistical significance (P<0.05).Team 6 months intervention to address the factor score for (26.36±1.11),significantly higher than in group (20.44±0.83), and higher than that of the control group after 6 months (20.87±0.89).Negative coping factor score (9.48±0.59) lower than the group (15.34±0.73) and lower than the control group after 6 months (15.67±0.50) points of difference had statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion The continuation of nursing intervention can improve the emotional state of AD caregivers and promote the development of coping style in a positive direction,which can promote the quality life in a virtuous cycle.
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