The correlation of melatonin and oxidative stress in follicular fluid in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
中文关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征  褪黑素  氧化应激  促黄体激素  卵泡刺激素,人  雌二醇  胰岛素
英文关键词: Polycystic ovary syndrome  Melatonin  Oxidative stress  Luteinizing hormone  Follicle stimulating hormone, Human  Estradiol  Insulin
王丽佳 无锡市妇幼保健院妇产科江苏无锡 214002 
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      目的探讨多囊卵巢综合征( PCOS)病人卵泡液褪黑素和氧化应激相关指标间的相关性。方法选取 2016年 1月至 2017年 12月无锡市妇幼保健院 PCOS病人 30例,为观察组,选取同期入院的由于输卵管因素导致不孕的病人 20例,为对照组。采卵日对病人的卵泡液进行采集。按照可见分光度法对总抗氧化能力( TAC)进行测定,按照硫代巴比妥酸法对丙二醛( MDA)进行测定,按照酶联免疫吸附测定( ELISA)法对褪黑素水平进行测定;分别采用葡萄糖氧化电极法、放射免疫法测定病人空腹血糖( FSG)以及空腹胰岛素( FINS)水平,并计算胰岛素敏感指数( ISI)ISI=1/(FSG×FINS)。结果观察组病人促黄体生成素(LH)(9.20±1.84)mIU/mL、睾酮( T)(70.58±12.33)ng/dL水平高于对照组(,6.96±1.35)mIU/mL、(61.69±11.95)ng/dL,血清卵泡刺激素( FSH)(5.68±1.56)mIU/mL、雌二醇( E2)(55.36±8.48)pg/mL水平低于对照组( 8.31±1.01)mIU/mL、(62.17±9.10)pg/mL,两组间基础激素水平差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。观察组 FINS(17.15±2.64)mU/L、ISI(0.096±0.005)高于对照组[(13.66±2.43) mU/L、(0.012±0.004)P<0.05)];两组 FSG水平差异无统计学意义( 5.98±1.13比 5.87±1.24,P>0.05)。观察组病人褪黑素水平(120.71±9.32)pg/mL对照组( 138.39±11.03)pg/mL,差异有统计学意义( t=6.105,P<0.05)。观察组病人 TAC水平( 16.17± 低于,2.65)pg/mL低于对照组( 19.98±3.41)pg/mL,观察组病人 MDA水平( 2.58±0.39)pg/mL高于对照组( 1.89±0.31)pg/mL,差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。相关性分析显示,卵泡液褪黑素水平与 TAC水平呈正相关( P<0.05),未发现卵泡液褪黑素水平与 MDA水平间的相关性( P>0.05)。结论 PCOS病人的卵母细胞由于其受到氧化应激损害,并引发卵母细胞质量变差,推测可能与卵泡液中褪黑素水平的降低有一定的关系。
      Objective To investigate the correlation of melatonin and oxidative stress in follicular fluid in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS).Methods 30 cases of PCOS(study group)were selected from January 2016 to December 2017.Another20 patients who were hospitalized due to tubal factor infertility were selected as control group.The follicular fluid was collected on the day of ova collection.Total TAC was determined by visible spectrophotometry,MDA was determined by thiobarbituric acid,mela?tonin was determined by enzyme?linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)fasting blood glucose(FSG)and fasting insulin(FINS) were measured by glucose oxidation electrode method,radioimmunoassay,a,nd pancreas was calculated.ISI,ISI=1/(FSG×FINS).Re?sults The levels of LH[(9.20±1.84)mIU/mL vs.(6.96±1.35)mIU/mL]and T[(70.58±12.33)ng/dL vs.(61.69±11.95)ng/dL]in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group,and the levels of FSH[( 5.68±1.56)mIU/mL vs.(8.31±1.01)mIU/mL]and E2[(55.36±8.48)pg/mL vs.(62.17±9.10)pg/mL]were lower than those in the control group.There was a significant differ?ence in the levels of basic hormones between the two groups(P<0.05).The level of FINS[( 17.15±2.64)mU/L vs.(13.66±2.43) mU/L]and ISI[(0.096±0.005)vs.(0.012±0.004)]in the study group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in FSG level between the two groups(5.98±1.13 vs.5.87±1.24,P>0.05).The level of MET in the study group was lower than that of the control group[( 120.71±9.32)pg/mL vs.(138.39±11.03)pg/mL,P<0.05)the level of TAC[( 16.17±2.65)pg/mL vs.(19.98±3.41)pg/mL]decreased,and the level of MDA[( 2.58±0.39)pg/mL vs.(1.89±0.,31)pg/mL]in? creased(P<0.05).The results of correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the level ofMET and the level of TAC in the follicle fluid(P<0.05).Conclusion Oocytes of patients with PCOS are damaged by oxidative stress and lead to deterioration of oocyte quality,which is speculated that the decrease of melatonin level in follicular fluid may be related to this.
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