Investigation of drug use labeling for pregnant and lactating women in drug package inserts
中文关键词: 药物标签  说明书  妊娠期  哺乳期  用药信息
英文关键词: Drug labeling  Prospectuses  Pregnancy  Lactation  Medication information
代雪飞 安徽医科大学第四附属医院药剂科安徽合肥 230601  
王建青 安徽医科大学第四附属医院药剂科安徽合肥 230601 jianqingwang81@126.com 
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      目的调查药品说明书中关于妊娠及哺乳期用药信息的标注情况,提出标注建议,加强合理用药。方法统计安徽医科大学第四附属医院药品目录中 1 541份药品说明书妊娠及哺乳期用药信息,调查 2018年 8月 16日至2019年 2月 16日住院妊娠期病人使用的药物品种情况。结果西药说明书妊娠和哺乳期用药信息标注率分别为 84.02%、78.75%,中成药分别为 50.74%,14.81%;妊娠及哺乳期药品说明书普遍存在缺乏人体试验信息、 FDA妊娠分级标注率低、不同妊娠分期标注率低、缺乏妊娠及哺乳期药代动力学研究、用药指导不确定性标注率高等问题;有妊娠及哺乳期用药信息的药品以口服给药及静脉给药比例较高,外用及其他剂型比例较低;非处方药妊娠及哺乳期用药信息标注率低;妊娠期住院病人所用部分药品在妊娠期使用的安全性尚未确立,部分药品对胎儿有潜在风险。结论常用药品说明书妊娠及哺乳期用药信息标注率不佳,需要药品监管部门、药品研发生产企业、医疗机构共同推动药品说明书关于妊娠及哺乳期用药信息的完善,保障特殊人群合理用药。
      Objective To analyze and evaluate the labeling information of the drug instructions for women in pregnancy and lacta? tion,and to put forward suggestions for labeling to promote rational drug use.Methods Statistical analysis was made of the drug di? rectory of The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,summarizing a total of 1 541 medication information for women in pregnancy and lactation,and investigating the drug use among 119 pregnant inpatients hospitalized from August 16,2018 to Febru? ary 16,2019.Results The rates of drug use labeling for pregnant and lactating women in Western medicine instructions and Chi?nese patent medicine instructions were 84.02%,78.75%,and 50.74%,14.81%,respectively.The common problems in drug instruc?tions for pregnant and lactating women were lack of the information of human test,low labeling rate of FDA pregnancy grading,low la? beling rate of different pregnancy staging,lack of pregnancy and lactation pharmacokinetic study,high rate of drug guidance uncer?tainty.Drugs with use instructions for pregnant and lactating women were more drugs for oral administration and intravenous adminis?tration than drugs for external use and other dosages.The labeling rate of non?prescription drugs for pregnancy and lactation was low.Some drugs used by inpatients during pregnancy had uncertainty in safety and some drugs pose a potential risk to the fetus.Conclu? sion Drug regulatory authorities,drug research and development enterprises,and medical institutions are required to jointly promote the drug use information for women in pregnancy and lactation,and to ensure the rational use of drugs for special populations.
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