Discussion on the functions and indications of clinopodii herba in the Chinese pharmacopoeia
中文关键词: 止血药  唇形科  皂苷类  黄酮类  《中国药典》  断血流  功能与主治  商榷
英文关键词: Hemostatics  Lamiaceae  Saponins  Flavones  Chinese pharmacopoeia  Clinopodii herba  Function and indi cation  Discussion
基金项目:安徽省科技厅重点研究与开发计划项目( 201904a0702106);芜湖市科技局重点项目( 2019yf47)
武培璐 六安市中医院药剂科安徽,六安 237000  
熊远根 回音必集团安徽制药有限公司安徽霍山 237202  
年四辉 皖南医学院药学院安徽芜湖 241002  
武为宝 安徽省霍山石斛中药材质量监督检验中心安徽霍山 237202 2054572188@qq.com 
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      目的探讨综合评价断血流临床功效。方法 2020年 10月至 2021年 5月笔者通过查阅期刊及相关书籍,通过对断血流同属植物的功效和文献典籍记载的断血流功效对比,并对文献报道断血流药理作用及临床应用进行分析,综合评价其临床功效。结果药典收载的断血流功能与主治不能概括其应有功效。结论建议应将断血流的功能与主治扩展为:收敛止血,清热解毒。用于崩漏,尿血,鼻衄,牙龈出血,创伤出血,咽喉肿痛,乳腺炎,肠炎,疔疮,无名肿毒等。
      Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Clinopodii Herba comprehensively.Methods From October 2020 to May 2021, the author reviewed the journals and related books, compared the efficacy of the same genus with that recorded in litera ture and ancient books, and analyzed the pharmacological effects and clinical application of the plant reported in literature, so as tocomprehensively evaluate its clinical efficacy.Results The functions and indications of Clinopodii Herba in the pharmacopoeia could not include its actual efficacy.Conclusions It is suggested that the functions and indications of Clinopodii Herba should beexpanded as following: convergence and stopping bleeding, clearing away heat and detoxification. It can be used for metrorrhagia, he maturia, epistaxis, bleeding gums, traumatic bleeding, sore throat, mastitis, enteritis, furuncle, unknown swelling and other diseases.
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