Mechanism of Menispermi Rhizoma in the treatment of ulcerative colitis based on network pharmacology
中文关键词: 结肠炎,溃疡性  蝙蝠葛属  北豆根  网络药理学  有效成分  靶点  通路  作用机制
英文关键词: Colitis, ulcerative  Menispermum  Menispermi Rhizoma  Network pharmacology  Active ingredient  Target  Pathway  Mechanism
张科 天津医科大学总医院药剂科天津300052  
宋崟 天津医科大学总医院药剂科天津300052  
李波 天津医科大学总医院药剂科天津300052  
谷冬梅 天津医科大学总医院 检验科天津300052  
李正翔 天津医科大学总医院药剂科天津300052  
袁恒杰 天津医科大学总医院药剂科天津300052 hengjieyuan@163.com 
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      目的探究北豆根治疗溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis,UC)的作用机制。方法首先以“北豆根”为关键词,检索TC?MSP 数据库,获取药材的已知化学成分和靶点,再以口服生物利用度和药物相似性为条件筛选得到有效成分。然后在Gene?Cards 数据库检索UC靶点,取成分靶点与疾病靶点交集基因。将药物、成分和交集基因数据导入Cytoscape 3.2.1软件中绘制“药物-有效成分-靶点”网络,并进行分析。应用STRING数据库绘制靶点蛋白互作网络(PPI),度值高的靶点蛋白作为北豆根治疗UC的关键靶点。应用DAVID数据库进行基因功能注释分析和功能富集分析。结果筛选获得北豆根10个有效成分,78个对应靶点,UC相关基因3 982个;“药物-有效成分-靶点”网络中与UC相关的靶点44个。PPI 核心网络包含43个蛋白,分析结果显示:北豆根治疗UC可能与IL6、TNF、MYC、CASP3、MAPK14、PTGS2、NOS3、ESR1、RELA、MMP2等有关。基因功能注释分析和功能富集分析结果显示:北豆根治疗UC是通过参与细胞增殖与凋亡调控、信号传导、转录调控及药物反应等生物过程,调控TNF、PI3K-Akt 、T细胞受体等信号通路等发挥作用。结论北豆根中多个成分作用于多个靶点和通路,发挥治疗UC的作用。
      Objective To explore the mechanism of Menispermi Rhizoma in the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC).Methods The parameters of Oral Bioavailability (OB) , Drug-Like (DL) and corresponding targets were obtained by using TCSSP database, and the ac?tive components were screened. UniProt database was used to find the official gene names of the component targets of Menispermi Rhi?zoma, and GeneCards database was used to find the targets of UC, the intersection gene of the component target and the disease target were obtained. Cytoscape 3.2.1 was used to construct a "drug-active ingredient-target"network, construct a target protein interaction network (PPI) using the STRING database. GO enrichment analysis and KEGG pathway annotation analysis were conducted using Da?vid database.Results A total of 10 active components, 78 corresponding targets, 3982 UC related genes and 44 targets related to UC in drug-component-target network were screened out. The PPI network contains 43 proteins. Protein Interaction Network analysis indi?cated that UC might be related to IL6,TNF, MYC,CASP3, MAPK14, PTGS2, NOS3, ESR1, RELA and MMP2. In addition, GO enrich?ment analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment showed that Menispermi Rhizoma could treat UC through biological processes such as transcriptional regulation, cell proliferation and apoptosis regulation, signal transduction and drug response. TNF pathway, PI3K-Akt pathway, T cell receptor signal pathway play a role in the treatment of UC.Conclusion Several components of Menispermi Rhizoma act on multiple targets and pathways, and play a role in the treatment of UC.
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