Clinical application of posterior mastoid posterior incision in microvascular decompression
中文关键词: 三叉神经痛  痉挛  微血管减压术  平卧位  耳后  横切口
英文关键词: Trigeminal neuralgia  Spasm  Microvascular decompression  Supine position  Post aurem  Transverse incision
高鹏 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
吕波 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
单明 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
叶磊 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
包明月 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
汪惊涛 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
茆祥 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022  
程宏伟 安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科安徽合肥 230022 chw001@163.com 
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      目的探讨平卧位耳后横切口在微血管减压术中的临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析安徽医科大学第一附属医院 2016年 1月至 2018年 8月间微血管减压临床病例资料共 55例,包括三叉神经痛 45例,面肌痉挛 10例。其中 27例采用微血管减压术传统侧卧位竖切口(对照组),28例采用改进平卧位耳后横切口(试验组)。比较两组病例在住院天数、术前准备时间、麻醉时间、术中出血量、切口长度、手术并发症、体位相关并发症、手术效果方面的差别。结果住院天数:试验组 18.00(15.00,23.50)d、对照组 20(15.00,24.00)d,术前准备时间:试验组 24.00(21.00,27.75)min、对照组 45.00(41.00,53.00)min,麻醉时间:试验组 107.50(98.50,127.50)min、对照组 138.00(120.00,159.00)min,切口长度:试验组 5.25(5.00,5.50)cm、对照组 7.00(6.00,7.50)cm,体位相关并发症:试验组 8例次,对照组 20例次,上述指标试验组均明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。术中出血量、手术并发症和手术效果两组基本一致(P>0.05)。结论平卧位耳后横切口在微血管减压术中有较好的临床应用效果,可降低体位摆放成本、缩短手术时间及住院时间。
      Objective To investigate the clinical value of the supine posterior incision in the microvascular decompression.Meth? ods A retrospective analysis of 55 cases of microvascular decompression between January 2016 and August 2018 in The First Af?filiated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,including 45 cases of trigeminal neuralgia and 10 cases of hemifacial spasm.27 casesof microvascular decompression were operated by traditional lying side with the vertical incision,and 28 cases were treated by amodified supine position with the posterior incision.The differences compared within two groups were bedding time,preoperativepreparation time,anesthesia time,intraoperative blood loss,length of incision,surgical complications,postural related complications, and surgical outcomes.Results The number of days of hospitalization:18.00(15.00,23.50)days in the experimental group,20(15.00,24.00)days in the control group,preoperative preparation time:24.00(21.00,27.75)minutes in the experimental group,45.00 in the control group(41.00,53.00) minutes,anesthesia time:107.50(98.50,127.50) minutes in the test group,138.00(120.00,159.00)minutes in the control group,incision length:5.25(5.00,5.50)cm in the test group,7.00(6.00,7.50)cm in the control group,posture?related complications:8 cases in the experimental group and 20 cases in the control group,the above index experimental group is significantly better than the control group(P<0.05).Intraoperative blood loss,surgical effect and incidence of postoperative infection Basically the same(P>0.05).Conclusion The posterior mastoid posterior incision showed a better clini? cal application in microvascular decompression,which can reduce the time costing of position placement,shorten the operation time and hospitalization time.
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