Effects of azithromycin on gastrointestinal electrical activity in children with pneumoniaWU Yuping,XU Hua,BI Shuying (Department of Pediatrics,Air Force General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100142,China) Abstract:Objective
中文关键词: 阿奇霉素  胃肠电图  胃电活动  儿童  肺炎
吴玉平 空军总医院儿科,北京 100142  
徐华 空军总医院儿科,北京 100142 xuhuakz1@126.com 
毕淑英 空军总医院儿科,北京 100142  
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      目的 探讨阿奇霉素对肺炎患儿胃电活动的影响。 方法 43例支气管肺炎患儿采用自身前后对照方法,加用阿奇霉素前为对照组,加用阿奇霉素治疗2 d后为观察组。同时招募45名健康儿童为正常组。记录并分析三组的胃电参数变化。 结果 与正常组比较,对照组餐前波形平均幅值(VPP)升高,餐后/餐前功率比(PR)降低(均P<0.05),而餐后VPP、餐前餐后平均频率(F)、餐前餐后正常慢波百分比(PNSW)均差异无统计学意义。与正常组比较,观察组餐前VPP升高、PNSW降低及F加快(均P<0.01),而餐后仅F加快(P<0.01),PNSW和PR均差异无统计学意义。与对照组比较,观察组餐前餐后F均增快,餐前PNSW降低(均P<0.01),而餐前餐后VPP、餐后PNSW及PR均差异无统计学意义。 结论 肺炎患儿存在胃电活动异常,阿奇霉素加重了肺炎患儿的胃电活动紊乱,而进食能够改善阿奇霉素导致的胃电异常。此外,研究也为阿奇霉素促胃动力作用提供了理论支持。
      Objective To investigate the effects of azithromycin (AZI) on gastrointestinal electrical activity in children with pneumonia. Methods Forty-three cases of children with pneumonia were selected as research objects.We set 43 cases of pneumonia in children before treatment as control group,after 2 days of AZI treatment as experimental group,and 45 healthy children were recruited as the normal group.Recording and analyzing their gastrointestinal electrical activities. Results Compared with the normal group,value of preprandial average amplitude (VPP) in control group increased (P<0.05),postprandial/pretprandial power ratio (PR) decreased (P<0.05),with significant differences,while values of postprandial VPP,pre-and postprandial average frequency(F),pre-and postprandial percentage of normal slow wave (PNSW) showed no difference(all P>0.05).Compared with the normal group,value of preprandial VPP increased in experimental group (P<0.01),value of preprandial PNSW decreased(P<0.01),values of pre-and postprandial Fwere accelerated(all P<0.01).The differences were all very significant,while values of postprandial PNSW,postprandial VPP and PR had no difference (all P>0.05).Compared with control group,value of preprandial PNSW became lower after 2 days AZI treatment(P<0.01),values of pre-and postprandial Fbecame faster(P<0.01),the differences were very significant,while values of postprandial PNSW,pre-and postprandial VPP and PR had no difference (all P>0.05). Conclusions There are abnormal gastric electrical activities in children with pneumonia,and AZI can increase their gastric electrical activity disorders.However,eating can relieve the gastric electrical abnormalities caused by AZI.In addition,this study also provides theoretical support for the role of AZI in promoting gastric motility.
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