A retrospective analysis of hepatoprotective drugs for preventing liver injury caused by antitumor drugs
中文关键词: 药物性肝损伤  抗肿瘤药物  预防  回顾性分析
英文关键词: Drug?induced liver injury  Antitumor drugs  Prevention  Retrospective analysis
陆杨 中国人民解放军海军安庆医院药剂科安徽安庆 246003  
王觅觅 中国人民解放军海军安庆医院药剂科安徽安庆 246003  
贾钰莹 中国人民解放军海军安庆医院药剂科安徽安庆 246003  
方隆基 中国人民解放军海军安庆医院药剂科安徽安庆 246003  
孙帆 中国人民解放军海军安庆医院药剂科安徽安庆 246003  
李永霞 中国人民解放军海军安庆医院药剂科安徽安庆 246003 1965798456@qq.com 
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      目的分析保肝药物预防抗肿瘤药物致药物性肝损伤临床疗效,为降低药物性肝损伤发生率、规范保肝药使用提供依据。方法收集中国人民解放军海军安庆医院 2018年 1—12月抗肿瘤药物致药物性肝损伤病人 476例临床资料,分为治疗组(预防用保肝药组) 273例和对照组(未预防用保肝药组) 203例,分析组内、组间各项数据差异。结果整体药物性肝损伤发生率治疗组 24/273例,对照组 18/203例,两组整体肝损伤发生率比较,差异无统计学意义;治疗组与对照组高龄(7/97例比 13/70例)、伴肝脏疾病(5/55例比 9/32例)、化疗药连续多日使用(≥3 d)(5/114例比 15/127例)药物性肝损伤发生率比较,治疗组显著低于对照组;两组同性别及多种药物联用(23/242例比 18/186例)肝损伤发生率比较,差异无统计学意义;治疗组合并多种高危因素药物性肝损伤发生率显著低于对照组。结论对于无高危因素的病人,不建议预防性给予保肝药;如病人存在一种或两种高危因素建议预防性使用保肝药,存在三种高危因素时因获得样本量较少,有待下一步更大规模研究证实。
      Objective To analyze the clinical effect of hepatoprotective Drugs for drug?induced liver injury(DILI)and reduce the incidences of DILI caused by antitumor drugs.Provide a basis for reducing the incidence of drug?induced liver injury and standard?izing the use ofhepatoprotective Drugs.Methods 476 cases from January to December 2018 in Chinese People’s Liberation Army Naval Anqing Hospitall were included and their clinical data were collected.Type of chemotherapy drugs,DILI onset time,severity, treatmentand clinical outcome were analyzed.Divide into the treatment group(prophylaxis group) 273 cases and control group(without prophylaxis group)203 cases,analysisthedifferences within and between the two groupsof various data.Results The over? all incidences of liver damage were slightly lower between treatment group and control group(24/273 vs. 18/203),The difference was not statistically significant.The incidences of DILI who wereolder than 65(7/97 vs. 13/70),associated with liver disease(5/55 vs. 9/3),medication more than 3 day(5/114 vs. 15/127)was significantly lower thancontrol group.And there were no statistical dif?ferences between treatment group and control group in combination of chemotherapy drugs(23/242 vs. 18 /186)and the same gen?der.The incidences of DILI of multiplerisk factors were significantly lower between treatment group and control group.Conclusions Patients without high?risk factors were not recommended prophylactic to protect liver medicine.Patients with single or two risk fac?tors were recommendedto use hepatoprotective drugs prophylactically..When there are three high?risk factors,the sample size is small,and the next step is needed More large?scale research confirmed.
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