张先姚,李梦梦,王姣,等.特发性门脉高压 1例[J].安徽医药,2021,25(7):1316-1318.
特发性门脉高压 1例
Idiopathic portal hypertension: a case report
中文关键词: 门静脉压  门脉系统  特发性门脉高压  肝硬化  诊断  治疗  病例报告
英文关键词: Portal pressure  Portal system  Idiopathic portal hypertension  Liver cirrhosis  Diagnosis  Treatment  Case report
基金项目:国家自然基金项目( 81874451)
张先姚 安徽中医药大学研究生院安徽合肥230000  
李梦梦 安徽中医药大学研究生院安徽合肥230000  
王姣 安徽中医药大学研究生院安徽合肥230000  
张国梁 安徽中医药大学第一附属医院感染一科安徽合肥 230000 zhangguoliang61@sina.com 
摘要点击次数: 1358
全文下载次数: 337
      目的通过 1例特发性门脉高压( IPH)的病例分析,探讨该病的诊断及治疗方法。方法分析病例结合相关文献探讨诊断和治疗方法。结果病人肝组织病理学表现:肝小叶结构存在,肝板排列基本整齐。局灶肝细胞疏松肿胀及气球样变,中央静脉周围肝窦扩张,肝板结构轻度紊乱。汇管区未见纤维化及炎症,但可见结构改建及明显门静脉扩张,汇管区纤维化并不明显,未见桥接坏死及纤维间隔形成。汇管区内小胆管未见破坏。肝组织病理学表现:特染结果: D-PAS(?)Masson(+),网织染色( +)铜染色 -罗丹宁( ?)。结论 IPH尚无统一的诊断标准,属排他性诊断,病理学诊断对确诊IPH具有重,大意义;目前 IPH的治疗,主要是控制和预防门脉高压的并发症。
      Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) by analyzing a case report. Methods The diagnosis and treatment were discussed by case analysis and related literatures.Results The histopathological manifestations of the liver showed that the lobules of the liver were present and the hepatic plates were arranged neatly. Focal hepatocyteswere loose and swollen with balloon-like changes, the hepatic sinus around the central vein was dilated, and the hepatic plate structurewas slightly disordered. There was no fibrosis or inflammation in the portal area, but structural remodeling and obvious portal vein dilatation were observed. There was no obvious fibrosis or bridging necrosis or fibrous septum formation in the portal area. No destruction ofsmall bile duct in the portal area. Liver histopathological manifestations: special staining results: d-pas (?), Masson (+), reticular staining (+), copper staining (?).Conclusion There is no unified diagnostic standard for IPH, and it is an exclusive diagnosis. Pathologicaldiagnosis is of great significance for the diagnosis of IPH. The current treatment of IPH is mainly to control and prevent complicationsof portal hypertension.
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