Effect of new stage application of second stage time limit on maternal and child outcome
中文关键词: 产程,第二  基层医院  新产程  第二产程时限  母儿结局
英文关键词: Labor stage, second  New stage of labor  Duration of second stage of labor  Maternal and neonatal outcome
基金项目:保定市科学技术与知识产权局项目( 18ZF298)
李静娟 保定市第四中心医院产科河北保定 072350  
李铭 保定市第四中心医院产科河北保定 072350 iqkta3n@163.com 
张惠敏 保定市第四中心医院产科河北保定 072350  
乔秀然 保定市第四中心医院产科河北保定 072350  
摘要点击次数: 1314
全文下载次数: 427
      目的探讨新产程标准临床应用对母儿结局的影响。方法回顾性分析保定市第四中心医院 2015年 1-6月和 2018年 1-6月分别使用旧产程和新产程分娩产妇各 500例的分娩资料,分别作为对照组和观察组。观察组产妇依据第二产程时限长短将第二产程时限为 2~2.5 h、2.5~3h以及 3h以上产妇分为观察 T1亚组( n=263),观察 T2亚组( n=159)和观察 T3亚组(n= 78)。比较四组产妇分娩方式,产后并发症发生率,新生儿结局以及观察组和对照组产妇中转剖宫产原因。结果观察 T1亚组中转剖宫产率( 2.66%比 6.00%)、发热( 1.90%比 5.60%)和会阴伤口感染发生率( 0.76%比 5.20%)显著低于对照组( P<0.05),会阴侧切率显著高于对照组( 36.50%比 4.00%,P<0.05);观察 T2亚组和 T3亚组自然分娩率显著低于对照组和观察 T1亚组( P<0.05),产钳助产率、中转剖宫产率、会阴侧切率显著高于对照组和观察 T1亚组( P<0.05);观察 T2和 T3亚组产后出血、产后发热、尿潴留、会阴伤口感染发生率显著高于对照组和观察 T1亚组( P<0.05);四组新生儿窒息、 NICU入住发生率差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)观察 T3亚组巨大儿和新生儿酸中毒发生率显著高于对照组( P<0.05);观察组和对照组产妇胎儿宫内窘迫、脐带脱垂和头对称而致中转剖宫产比例差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)而因为心理因素导致中转剖宫产比例显著高于对照组盆不,(P<0.05)。结论第二产程时限低于 2.5 h时可以在不改变母儿结局基础,上有效降低剖宫产率,而高于 2.5 h不仅影响产妇分娩方式,增加产后并发症发生,还会增加新生儿不良结局。
      Objective To explore the effect of clinical application of new stage of labor on maternal and neonatal outcomes.Meth? ods A retrospective analysis was performed on the delivery data from 500 puerperae who were treated with old stage of labor from January to June 2015 and 500 puerperae who were treated with new stage of labor from January to June 2018 in the Fourth Central Hospital of Baoding. And they were assigned into the control group and observation group, respectively. According to the duration of the second stage of labor, puerperae with the duration within 2 to 2.5 h, 2.5 to 3 h and above 3 h in the observation group were assigned intoT1 observation subgroup (n=263), T2 observation subgroup (n=159) and T3 observation subgroup (n=78). The delivery methods, the incidence of postpartum complications and neonatal outcomes were compared among the 4 groups. The reasons for transferring to cesarean section in the observation group and the control group were compared.Results The incidence of cesarean section (2.66% vs. 6.00%), rates of fever (1.90% vs. 5.60%) and perineal wound infection (0.76% vs. 5.20%) in T1 observation subgroup were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05), while the perineal side-cutting rate was significantly higher than that in the control group (36.50% vs. 4.00%, P<0.05). The natural delivery rate of T2 observation subgroup and T3 observation subgroup was significantlylower than that of the control group and T1 observation subgroup (P<0.05), while forceps delivery rate, the rate transferring to cesarean section and perineal side-cutting rate were significantly higher than those of the control group and T1 observation subgroup (P<0.05).The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum fever, urinary retention and perineal wound infection in the T2 observation subgroup and T3 observation subgroup was significantly higher than that in the control group and T1 observation subgroup (P<0.05). Therewas no significant difference in the incidence of neonatal asphyxia or occurrence rate of NICU occupancy among the 4 groups (P>0.05).The incidence of macrosomia and neonatal acidemia in T3 observation subgroup was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the proportion of puerperae with intrauterine fetal distress, omphaloproptosis or transferring to cesarean section due to head and pelvis asymmetry between the observation group and the control group (P>0.05). The proportion of transferring to cesarean section caused by psychological factors was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion When the duration of second stage of labor is less than 2.5 h, the cesarean section rate can effectively reduce without changing the maternal and neonatal outcomes. When the duration is higher than 2.5 h, not only the delivery mode will be effected, andthe occurrence of postpartum complications will increase, but also the neonatal adverse outcomes will increase.
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