Multivariate study of bone metabolic markers and related fractures in perimenopausal osteoporosis patients
中文关键词: 骨质疏松性骨折  围绝经期  骨化二醇  胶原  骨钙素  Ⅰ型胶原羧基端肽 β特殊序列
英文关键词: Osteoporotic fractures  Peri-menopausal  Calcifediol  Procollagen  Osteocalcin  Special sequence of β-carbox
王彦英 濮阳市第三人民医院妇产科河南濮阳 457000 
王淑 濮阳市第三人民医院妇产科河南濮阳 457000 
王丽萍 濮阳市第三人民医院妇产科河南濮阳 457000 
李冰 濮阳市第三人民医院妇产科河南濮阳 457000 
宋莎莎 濮阳市第三人民医院妇产科河南濮阳 457000 
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      目的探讨骨代谢相关指标与围绝经期骨质疏松病人发生骨质疏松相关性骨折的关系。方法选取 2015年 10月至 2018年 5月濮阳市第三人民医院收治的 44例围绝经期骨质疏松且发生骨折的病人作为病例组、 80例围绝经期骨质疏松但是未发生骨折的病人作为对照组;调查对比两组的一般资料、血清 Ⅰ型前胶原氨基端前肽( N-terminal propeptide of type procollagen,P1NP)、 Ⅰ型胶原羧基端肽 β特殊序列( Special sequence of β-carboxyl terminal peptide of type Ⅰ collagen,β-CTX)、骨钙素 N端中分子( Osteocalcin N-terminus molecule,N-MID)、 25-羟基维生素 D[25-hydroxyvitamin D,25-(OH)VitD]的水平;采用 logistic多因素分析上述指标与围绝经期骨质疏松且发生骨折的关系。结果病例组和对照组的年龄、体质量指数( BMI)、骨折病史、是否参与体育锻炼、每天的日照时间、吸烟、饮酒、高血压、血脂异常均差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);病例组的骨密度为( 0.48±0.07)g/cm2,(P<0.001)病例组的糖尿病合并率为 25%,高于对照组的 5%(P<0.05);病例组明显低于对照组的( 0.56±0.08)g/cm2,病人血清 P1NP、β-CTX的水平分别为( 64.81±10.44)μg/L、(0.68±0.07)μg/L,明显高于对照组的( 52.07±8.95)μg/L、(0.60±0.08) μg/L(P<0.001),病例组 25-(OH)VitD水平为( 21.84±2.40)μg/L,明显低于对照组的( 25.40±3.12)μg/L(P<0.001);经 logistic回归分析,血清 P1NP、 25-骨密度降低、合并糖尿病是围绝经期骨质疏松发生骨折的独立危β-CTX的水平升高、 (OH)VitD水平降低、险因素(P<0.05)。结论血清 P1NP、β-CTX的水平升高、 25(OH)VitD水平降低会增大围绝经期骨质疏松发生骨折的风险。
      Objective To explore the relationship between bone metabolism indexes and osteoporosis-related fractures in peri-menopausal osteoporosis patients.Methods Forty-four patients with perimenopausal osteoporosis, who had fractures and were treated inPuyang Third People's Hospital from October 2015 to May 2018, were selected as the case group, and 80 patients with perimenopausalosteoporosis but no fractures were selected as the control group. A comparison was made between the two groups of the general data, and the levels of serum type I N-terminal propeptide of type procollagen (P1NP), special sequence of β-carboxyl terminal peptide of type Ⅰ collagen (β-CTX), osteocalcin N-terminal molecule (N-MID), and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25-(OH)VitD]. Logistic multivariate analysis was used to analyze the relationship between those indicators and peri-menopausal osteoporosis complicated with fracture.Re? sults There were no significant differences in age, body mass index (BMI), fracture history, participation in physical exercise or not,daily sunshine duration, smoking, alcohol consumption, hypertension, and dyslipidemia between the case group and the control group (P >0.05). The bone mineral density value in the case group [(0.48±0.07) g/cm2] was significantly lower than that in the control group [(0.56±0.08) g/cm2] (P<0.001), and the complication rate of diabetes in the case group (25%) was higher than that in the control group (5%, P<0.05). The serum P1NP and β-CTX levels in the case group [(64.81±10.44)μg/L, (0.68±0.07)μg/L] were significantly higherthan those in the control group [(52.07±8.95)μg/L, (0.60±0.08)μg/L] (P<0.001), and 25-(OH) VitD level [(21.84±2.40)μg/L] in the case group was significantly lower than that of the control group [(25.40±3.12)μg/L] (P<0.001). Logistic regression analysis results showed that elevated serum P1NP, β-CTX levels, decreased 25-(OH)VitD level, decreased bone mineral density, and diabetes mellituscomplicated with perimenopausal osteoporosis were independent risk factors for fractures (P<0.05).Conclusion Elevated levels of serum P1NP, β-CTX, and decreased 25-(OH)VitD level increase the risk of fracture in patients with peri-menopausal osteoporosis.
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