李建设,常锦萍,田涛.五积散加味敷脐治疗儿童慢性荨麻疹 75例[J].安徽医药,2022,26(10):2102-2106.
五积散加味敷脐治疗儿童慢性荨麻疹 75例
Curative effect of modified Wuji powder for navel compressing on children with chronic urticaria
中文关键词: 荨麻疹  五积散    盐酸西替利嗪  T淋巴细胞亚群  儿童
英文关键词: Urticaria  Wuji powder  Umbilicus  Cetirizine hydrochloride  T lymphocyte subset  Child
李建设 开封市儿童医院皮肤科河南开封 475000  
常锦萍 开封市儿童医院皮肤科河南开封 475000 13703781051@163.com 
田涛 开封市儿童医院皮肤科河南开封 475000  
摘要点击次数: 1034
全文下载次数: 359
      目的探究五积散加味敷脐治疗儿童慢性荨麻疹的疗效。方法选择 2016年 2月至 2019年 12月开封市儿童医院收治的 156例儿童慢性荨麻疹病人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法将病儿分为观察组及对照组。对照组病儿给予盐酸西替利嗪滴剂口服,观察组在对照组基础上给予五积散加味敷脐。于治疗前后进行荨麻疹症状严重程度评分,测定免疫球蛋白( Ig) E、白细胞介素 -4(IL-4)、干扰素 γ(INF-γ)水平及 T细胞亚群比例,评估疗效及安全性,随访统计复发情况。结果观察组及对照组分别有 3例、 2例病人失访,共 75例、 76例病儿被纳入研究,观察组及对照组病儿总体治疗有效率分别为 90.67%、85.53%,组间比较差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)。治疗后观察组病儿瘙痒程度、持续时间等方面评分显著低于对照组( P<0.05)。治疗后观察组总 IgE水平显著低于对照组( P<0.05),INF-γ水平、 CD4+T淋巴细胞亚群比例及 CD4+/CD8+值显著高于对照组( P<0.05)。观察组及对照组停药 2周后复发率分别为 6.67%(2/30)、 31.82%(7/22),组间比较差异有统计学意义( χ2=5.61,P=0.018)。结论五积散加味敷脐联合盐酸西替利嗪滴剂可显著改善儿童慢性荨麻疹临床症状,相较于盐酸西替利嗪滴剂单药治疗可降低复发率,其机制可能与调控机体 T淋巴细胞亚群平衡及炎性因子水平相关。
      Objective To explore the curative effect of modified Wuji powder for navel compressing on children with chronic urticar. ia.Methods A total of 156 children with chronic urticaria who were admitted to Kaifeng Children's Hospital from February 2016 toDecember 2019 were enrolled as the research subjects. They were divided into observation group and control group by random numbertable method. The control group was given cetirizine hydrochloride drops, while the observation group was additionally given modifiedWuji powder for navel compressing. Before and after treatment, the severity of urticaria symptoms was scored. The levels of immunoglob.ulin (Ig) E, interleukin-4 (IL-4) and γ-interferon (INF-γ), and the proportions of T cell subsets were measured. The curative effect andsafety were evaluated. The recurrence was statistically analyzed by follow-up.Results There were 3 and 2 cases lost in follow-up inthe observation group and the control group, respectively. Finally, there were 75 cases and 76 cases included in the two groups. Theoverall treatment response rates in the observation group and the control group were 90.67% and 85.53%, respectively (P>0.05). Aftertreatment, the scores of itching degree and duration in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P< 0.05). After treatment, the total level of IgE in observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05), while INF-γ level, the proportion of CD4+T lymphocyte subset and CD4+/CD8+ were significantly higher than those in the control group (P< 0.05). The recurrence rates in the observation group and the control group were 6.67% (2/30) and 31.82% (7/22) at 2 weeks after drugwithdrawal (χ2=5.61, P=0.018).Conclusions Modified Wuji powder for navel compressing combined with cetirizine hydrochloridedrops can significantly improve clinical symptoms in children with chronic urticaria. Compared with cetirizine hydrochloride dropsalone, it can reduce the recurrence rate. The mechanism may be regulating the balance of T lymphocyte subsets and levels of inflamma.tory factors in the body.
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