Medication errors and preventive strategies in pharmacy intravenous admixture service center
中文关键词: 用药错误  静脉用药调配中心  安全用药  防范策略
英文关键词: Medication error  Static distribution center  Safe medication  Preventive strategies
刘杰 淮南朝阳医院药剂科安徽淮南 232007 
张春铜 淮南朝阳医院药剂科安徽淮南 232007 
刘葛 淮南朝阳医院药剂科安徽淮南 232007 
董悦 淮南朝阳医院药剂科安徽淮南 232007 
卫丽琴 淮南朝阳医院药剂科安徽淮南 232007 
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      目的分析静脉用药调配中心用药错误( medication error,ME)的发生情况及特点,提出防范用药错误、保障病人用药安全的策略。方法统计 2018年 1月至 2020年 10月淮南朝阳医院静脉用药调配中心发生的 ME,采用回顾性分析和描述性统计方法,分析 ME的分级、错误内容、引发因素、引发人员、发现人员以及错误涉及药物等。结果共收集到 690例 ME,除 2例为 C级 ME外,其余 688例均为 B级 ME。ME的错误内容中,处方错误发生率最高,其次为核对错误和摆药错误。 ME的引发因素中,以知识欠缺、培训不足和责任心不足为主。 ME的引发人员以医师为主。 ME处方错误中涉及药物以抗微生物类药物、心血管系统药物和消化系统药物为主,这三类药 ME的发生各有其特点; ME处方错误中部分药物呈现错误形式单一的情况。结论该院应加强医师的专业技能培训,静配中心药师医嘱审核应重点关注药物浓度、溶媒和用量,静配中心工作人员责任心亟需加强,应构建精细化、信息化安全用药管理体系,以减少 ME的发生,保障病人安全用药。
      Objective To analyze the occurrence and characteristics of medication errors (ME) in pharmacy intravenous admixtureservice center, and to put forward strategies for preventing medication errors and ensuring medication safety of patients.Methods Sta. tistics was made of the cases of ME that occurred in pharmacy intravenous admixture service center of Huainan Chaoyang Hospitalfrom January 2018 to October 2020. Retrospective and descriptive statistical analysis was made on the classification, error content, trig.gering factors, initiators, discoverers and drugs involved in ME.Results There were 690 cases of ME, among which 688 were grade BME and 2 were grade C ME. As for the error contents of ME, the highest incidence was found in prescription error, followed by verifica.tion error and dispensing error. The main triggering factors of ME were lack of relevant knowledge, training and responsibility. The initi.ators of ME were mainly physicians. The drugs mainly involved were antimicrobial drugs, cardiovascular drugs and digestive systemdrugs, ME of which had their own characteristics. In ME-related prescriptions, some drugs presented a single form of error.Conclu. sions The professional skills training for physicians should be strengthened in the hospital. The pharmacists' review of prescriptionsin pharmacy intravenous admixture service center should focus on drug concentration, solvent and dosage. The responsibility of thestaff in pharmacy intravenous admixture service center needs to be strengthened. A refined and informationized management system forsafe medication should be established to reduce the occurrence of ME and ensure the safe medication of patients.
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