陈江伟,张乐,刘希光.荧光造影监测下应用组合夹闭技术治疗前交通动脉瘤 102例[J].安徽医药,2023,27(6):1149-1154.
荧光造影监测下应用组合夹闭技术治疗前交通动脉瘤 102例
Treatment of 102 cases of anterior communicating artery aneurysm using combined clamp technique under fluorescence imaging monitoring
中文关键词: 颅内动脉瘤  血管夹  荧光素血管造影术  前交通动脉  组合夹闭  显微手术
英文关键词: Intracranial aneurysm  Blood vessel clamp  Fluorescein angiography  Anterior communicating artery  Combined clipping  Microsurgery
陈江伟 连云港市第一人民医院徐州医科大学附属连云港医院神经外科江苏连云港 222000  
张乐 连云港市第一人民医院徐州医科大学附属连云港医院神经外科江苏连云港 222000  
刘希光 连云港市第一人民医院徐州医科大学附属连云港医院神经外科江苏连云港 222000 lyglxg@sina.com 
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      目的研究吲哚菁绿( ICG)荧光造影下多瘤夹组合夹闭前交通动脉( ACoA)动脉瘤的手术疗效。方法回顾分析 2018年 1月至 2020年 9月在徐州医科大学附属连云港医院诊治的 102例 ACoA动脉瘤。根据影像学和动脉瘤的瘤颈与载瘤动脉的解剖学关联分为简单单线型( ⅠA)、复杂单线型( ⅠB)、简单双线型( ⅡA)、复杂双线型( ⅡB)和复杂三线型( Ⅲ),并在荧光造影技术辅助下对复杂 ACoA动脉瘤进行组合夹闭,对不同分型和不同夹闭方式的预后结果进行比较分析,出院后 3~6个月由医生门诊或电话随同访问,确定病人的预后格拉斯哥预后( GOS)评分。通过多组独立样本方差分析和 kruskal-wallis检验比较不同分型下动脉瘤之间的预后差异及不同的夹闭方法对预后的影响。结果术后 3~6个月随访结果显示: 102例 ACoA动脉瘤病人中,有 79例预后良好( GOS评分为 4分和 5分),16例预后较差( GOS评分为 2分和 3分),死亡 7例,总体预后良好率77.4%。不同分型的动脉瘤,所采用的组合夹闭方法之间存在差异,双线夹闭预后良好比例仍较单线夹闭高。结论应用双线/多线多瘤夹组合夹闭技术治疗 ACoA动脉瘤相较于单线夹闭治疗来说具有潜在优势,可以对改善病人预后起到积极作用,但也有待未来更大样本的研究进一步证实。
      Objective To analyze the clinical experience and surgical effect of Anterior Communicating Artery (ACoA) aneurysmclipped with multiple clips under indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescein angiography.Methods A retrospective analysis was made on102 cases of ACoA aneurysm diagnosed and treated in Lianyungang Hospital Affiliated to Xuzhou Medical University from January2018 to September 2020.According to the imaging and the anatomical correlation between the neck of aneurysm and the carrier artery,the aneurysms were divided into simple unilinear type (ⅠA), complex monolinear type (ⅠB), simple bilinear type (ⅡA), complex bilineartype (ⅡB) and complex trilinear type (Ⅲ). Combined clipping of complex ACoA aneurysms with the aid of fluorescein angiography was performed. The outcomes of different types and different clamping methods were compared and analyzed. The GOS prognosis score of patients discharged from hospital for 3~6 months was determined by outpatient service or telephone follow-up. Chi-square test was used to determine the difference of clinical prognosis of different types of aneurysms and the difference of prognosis among different clipping methods.Results Among the 102 patients with ACoA aneurysm, 79 cases had a good prognosis (GOS scores of 4 and 5), 16 cases had a poor prognosis (GOS scores of 2 and 3), and 7 cases died, with an overall good prognosis rate 77.4 %. There were differences in combined clipping methods for different types of aneurysms, and the proportion of good prognosis of double-line clipping was still higher than that of single-line clipping. Conclusion The application of double-line / multi-line multi-clip combined clipping technique in the treatment of ACoA aneurysms has potential advantages compared with single-line clipping therapy, which can play a positive role in improving the prognosis of patients.
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