Analysis of risk factors for postpartum pelvic floor myofascial pain based on the classification tree model
中文关键词: 盆底疾病  分娩并发症  体质量  快缩型肌纤维  慢缩型肌纤维  盆底肌筋膜疼痛  危险因素  分类树  盆底肌电筛查
英文关键词: Pelvic floor disorders  Obstetric labor complications  Body weight  Fast-twitch muscle fiber  Slow-shrinking muscle fibers  Pelvic floor myofascial pain  Risk factors  Classification tree  Pelvic floor electromyographic screening
基金项目:江苏省妇幼保健协会科研课题( FYX202005)
何雨欣 南京医科大学附属妇产医院/南京市妇幼保健院盆底康复中心江苏南京 210004  
江华 南京医科大学附属妇产医院/南京市妇幼保健院妇女保健科江苏南京 210004
南京市溧水区妇幼保健院南京市妇幼保健院溧水分院孕产保健部江苏南京 211299 
刘英慧 .黑龙江建筑职业技术学院医务室黑龙江哈尔滨 150000  
朱开欣 南京医科大学附属妇产医院/南京市妇幼保健院盆底康复中心江苏南京 210004  
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      目的构建产后盆底肌筋膜疼痛( MFPP)发病影响因素的分类树模型,寻找产后 MFPP发生的危险因素。方法选取 2017年 1—12月在南京市妇幼保健院常规产后检查的 975例产妇,进行流行病学调查。 205例产妇患有 MFPP分为病例组, 229例产妇无盆底功能障碍性疾病( PFD)情况分为对照组。结果病例组中轻、中、重度疼痛人数分别为 27例、 173例、 5例。我们对病例组研究发现产后 MFPP发病影响因素的分类树模型共有 5层,筛选出 4个解释变量:快肌最大值,慢肌平均值,产妇体质量指数( BMI)新生儿出生体质量。其中快肌最大值 ≤41.20 μv且慢肌平均值 ≤6.85 μv时,产后 MFPP发生率为 76.0%,分类树模型预测的受试,者操作特征( ROC)曲线下面积( AUC)为 69.1%,95%CI:(0.64,0.74)。结论快肌最大值、慢肌平均值、产妇 BMI及新生儿出生体质量为影响产后 MFPP发生的危险因素,盆底肌电筛查中快肌最大值 ≤41.20 μv和慢肌平均值 ≤6.85 μv可作为筛查指标,对于这部分的产妇,需联合盆底肌疼痛检查是否存在产后 MFPP。
      Objective To construct a classification tree model of influencing factors for the onset of postpartum pelvic floor myofascial pain (MFPP) and to identify risk factors for the occurrence of postpartum MFPP.Methods A total of 975 women who underwent routine postpartum examinations in Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital from January to December 2017 were selectedfor epidemiological investigation. The 205 women with MFPP were divided into case groups and 229 women without pelvic floor dysfunctional disease (PFD) conditions were divided into control groups.Results The number of mild, moderate and severe pain in thecase group was 27, 173, and 5, respectively. Our study of the case group found a five-level classification tree model of factors influencing the onset of postpartum MFPP, and four explanatory variables were screened: fast muscle maximum, slow muscle mean, maternalbody mass index (BMI), and neonatal birth mass. The incidence of postpartum MFPP was 76.0% for fast muscle maximum ≤ 41.20 μvand slow muscle mean ≤ 6.85 μv, and the area under the operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) predicted by the classificationtree model was 69.1%, 95%CI: (0.64, 0.74).Conclusions Fast muscle maximum, slow muscle mean, maternal BMI and neonatal birthmass are risk factors affecting the occurrence of postpartum MFPP. A pelvic floor electromyographic screen with a fast muscle maximum ≤ 41.20 μv and a slow muscle mean ≤ 6.85 μv can be used as a screening indicator , and for this group, the presence of postpartum MFPP needs to be examined in combination with pelvic floor muscle pain.
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