Effects of Shenhuang Jiangtang capsule on vascular endothelial function and hemorheology in patients with diabetes mellitus combined with hypertension
中文关键词: 降血糖药  参黄降糖胶囊  糖尿病  高血压  血管内皮功能  血液流变学
英文关键词: Hypoglycemic agents  Shenhuang Jiangtang capsule  Diabetes mellitus  Hypertension  Vascular endothelial function  Hemorheology
基金项目:河北省中医药管理局科研计划项目( 2018485)
王振强 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
张淑芳 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
吕树泉 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
刘树科 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
苏秀海 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
陈晶晶 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
赵怡然 河北省沧州中西医结合医院中医内科河北沧州 061001 
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      目的探讨参黄降糖胶囊对糖尿病合并高血压病人血管内皮功能、血液流变学及血压、血糖水平的影响。方法选取 2019年 5月至 2020年 5月在河北省沧州中西医结合医院接受治疗的糖尿病合并高血压病人 98例,采用随机数字表法分为参黄降糖组(49例)和常规组(49例),常规组给予硝苯地平及二甲双胍治疗,参黄降糖组在常规组基础上给予参黄降糖胶囊治疗,比较两组病人血管内皮功能指标[内皮素-1、一氧化氮、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)水平]、血压水平(24 h平均舒张压、 24 h平均收缩压)、血糖指标、血液流变学指标及临床疗效的变化。结果两组病人内皮素 -1水平、 24 h平均舒张压、 24 h平均收缩压水平、血液流变学指标、血糖指标治疗后[ 24 h平均舒张压:(75.52±10.27)mmHg、(91.46±10.21)mmHg;24 h平均收缩压:(112.64±20.18)mmHg、(127.52±20.21)mmHg;空腹血糖:(6.18±1.09)mmol/L、(6.92±1.24)mmol/L;餐后 2h血糖( 2hPG):(8.87±1.44)mmol/L、(10.28±2.01)mmol/L;空腹胰高血糖素( PGG):(78.64±12.17)ng/L、(85.16±11.69)ng/L;糖化血红蛋白( HbAlc):(6.56±1.14)%、(7.91±1.53)%]均较治疗前[ 24 h平均舒张压:(104.46±9.23)mmHg、(106.28±9.26)mmHg;24 h平均收缩压:(148.72±21.46)mmHg、(146.78±22.17)mmHg;空腹血糖:(9.87±1.62)mmol/L、(9.94±1.57)mmol/L;2hPG:(13.61±2.58)mmol/L、(13.59±2.54)mmol/L; PGG:(94.36±15.31)ng/L、(94.28±15.27)ng/L;HbAlc:(8.92±1.21)%、(8.96±1.31)%]降低( P<0.05)且参黄降糖组低于常规组(P<0.05)一氧化氮、 VEGF水平治疗后较治疗前升高(P<0.05),且参黄降糖组高于常规组(P<0.05);降糖组总有效率 93.88%高参黄,于常规组,总有效率 77.55%(P<0.05)。结论参黄降糖胶囊与常规药物联合用于治疗糖尿病合并高血压病人,能够降低病人血糖及血压水平、改善血液流变学指标及血管内皮功能,提高临床效果。
      Objective To investigate the effects of Shenhuang Jiangtang capsule on vascular endothelial function, hemorheology,blood pressure and blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus combined with hypertension.Methods A total of 98 patientswith diabetes mellitus combined with hypertension who received treatment at Hebei Province Cangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine from May 2019 to May 2020 were selected and divided into the Shenhuang Jiangtang group (49 cases)and the conventional group (49 cases) by using the random number table method, with the conventional group being treated with nifedipine and metformin and the Shenhuang Jiangtang group being treated with Shenhuang Jiangtang capsules on the basis of the conventional group. The changes in endothelial function indexes [endothelin-1 (ET-1), nitric oxide (NO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels], blood pressure levels [24-hour mean diastolic blood pressure, 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure], blood glucose indexes, hemorheology indexes and clinical efficacy were compared among patients in the two groups.Results The level of ET-1, 24hour mean diastolic blood pressure, 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure, hemorheology indexes, and blood glucose indexes of patients in the two groups after treatment [24-hour mean diastolic blood pressure: (75.52±10.27) mmHg, (91.46±10.21) mmHg; 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure: (112.64±20.18) mmHg, (127.52±20.21) mmHg; fasting blood glucose (FBG): (6.18±1.09) mmol/L, (6.92±1.24)mmol/L; 2 h postprandial blood glucose (2hPG): (8.87±1.44) mmol/L, (10.28±2.01) mmol/L; fasting glucagon (PGG): (78.64±12.17) ng/L, (85.16±11.69) ng/L; glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc): (6.56±1.14)% , (7.91±1.53)% ] were lower than those before treatment [24hour mean diastolic blood pressure: (104.46±9.23) mmHg, (106.28±9.26) mmHg; 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure: (148.72±21.46) mmHg, (146.78±22.17) mmHg; FBG: (9.87±1.62) mmol/L, (9.94±1.57) mmol/L; 2hPG: (13.61±2.58) mmol/L, (13.59±2.54)mmol/L; PGG: (94.36±15.31) ng/L, (94.28±15.27) ng/L; HbAlc: (8.92±1.21)% , (8.96±1.31)% ] (P<0.05), and was lower in the Shen? huang Jiangtang group than in the conventional group (P<0.05), and the levels of NO and VEGF increased after treatment compared with those before treatment (P<0.05), and was higher in the Shenhuang Jiangtang group than in the conventional group (P<0.05). The total effective rate of the Shenhuang Jiangtang group was 93.88% higher than the total effective rate of the routine group, which was 77.55% (P<0.05).Conclusion The combination of Shenhuang Jiangtang capsule and conventional drugs for the treatment of patientswith diabetes mellitus combined with hypertension can reduce the levels of blood glucose and blood pressure, improve blood rheological indexes and vascular endothelial function, and improve the clinical effect.
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