曹砚杰,李琨琨,褚菲菲,等.结直肠癌病人外周血微 RNA-4435、微 RNA-762的表达及其与临床特征的相关性[J].安徽医药,2024,28(6):1152-1156.
结直肠癌病人外周血微 RNA-4435、微 RNA-762的表达及其与临床特征的相关性
Expression of miR-4435 and miR-762 in peripheral blood of patients with colorectal cancer and their correlation with clinical characteristics
中文关键词: 结直肠肿瘤  微 RNA-4435  微 RNA-762  临床特征  预后
英文关键词: Colorectal neoplasms  MicroRNA-4435  MicroRNA-762  Clinical features  Prognosis
基金项目:2022年河南省高等学校重点科研项目指导性计划项目( 22B320010)
曹砚杰 郑州大学附属郑州中心医院消化内科河南郑州 450000  
李琨琨 郑州大学附属郑州中心医院消化内科河南郑州 450000 edfr451253@sina.com 
褚菲菲 郑州大学附属郑州中心医院消化内科河南郑州 450000  
吴慧丽 郑州大学附属郑州中心医院消化内科河南郑州 450000  
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      目的观察结直肠癌病人外周血微 RNA(miR)-4435、miR-762的表达情况,并分析其与临床特征、预后情况的相关性。方法选取 2017年 6月至 2019年 6月于郑州大学附属郑州中心医院就诊的 100例疑似结直肠癌病人,经手术治疗后按照病理学检查结果分为结直肠癌组( 64例)及非结直肠癌组( 36例)。比较两组外周血 miR-4435、miR-762表达水平;比较不同临床病理特征病人外周血 miR-4435、miR-762表达水平;随访统计结直肠癌病人预后,将生存病人设为生存组,病死病人设为死亡组。比较两组外周血 miR-4435、miR-762表达水平,采用 Cox风险比例回归模型分析结直肠癌病人外周血 miR-4435、miR-762表达水平与结直肠癌预后的相关性。结果与非结直肠癌组( 0.61±0.08、0.89±0.12)比较,结直肠癌组外周血 miR-4435、miR-762(0.96±0.12、1.35±0.24)表达水平升高( P<0.05)。与临床分期 Ⅰ~Ⅱ期( 0.84±0.11)、(0.71±0.09)、浸润深度 T1~T2无淋巴结转移(0.79±0.11)病人比较,临床分期 Ⅲ~Ⅳ期( 1.03±0.15)、浸润深度 T3~T4(1.25±0.15)、淋巴结转移( 1.26±0.21)病人外周血 miR-4435、miR-762表达水平升高(P<0.05)。随访至 2022年 6月,其中生存病人 38例,病死病人 26例,分别设置为生存组、死亡组。与生存组( 0.87±0.09、1.12±0.14)比较,死亡组外周血 miR-4435、miR-762(1.09±0.21、1.69±0.31)表达水平升高( P<0.05)。 Cox风险比例回归分析显示,临床分期、浸润深度、淋巴结转移、 miR-4435表达水平、 miR-762表达水平均是结直肠癌预后不佳的危险因素( P<0.05)。结论结直肠癌病人外周血 miR-4435、miR-762表达水平异常升高,与临床分期、浸润深度、淋巴结转移相关,且均为病人预后不佳的危险因素。
      Objective To observe the expression of peripheral blood microRNA (miR-4435 and miR-762) in patients with colorectal cancer, and to analyze their correlation with clinical characteristics and prognosis.Methods A total of 100 patients with suspectedcolorectal cancer who visited Zhengzhou Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University from June 2017 to June 2019 were selected and divided into colorectal cancer group (64 cases) and non-colorectal cancer group (36 cases) according to the pathological examination results after surgical treatment. The expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in peripheral blood of the two groups were com pared. The expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in peripheral blood of patients with different clinicopathological characteristics were compared. Follow-up statistics of the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients were made, and the surviving patients were set as thesurvival group, and the dead patients were set as the death group. The expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in peripheral bloodbetween the two groups were compared, and the Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to analyze the correlation betweenthe expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in peripheral blood and the prognosis of colorectal cancer.Results Compared with the non-colorectal cancer group (0.61±0.08, 0.89±0.12), the expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in peripheral blood of the colorectal cancer group (0.96±0.12, 1.35±0.24) were increased (P<0.05). Compared with patients with clinical stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ (0.84±0.11), depth of invasion T1 -T2 (0.71±0.09), and no lymph node metastasis (0.79±0.11), the expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in pe ripheral blood of patients with clinical stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ (1.03±0.15), depth of invasion T3 -T4 (1.25±0.15), and lymph node metastasis (1.26± 0.21) were increased (P<0.05). During the follow-up until June 2022, 38 patients survived and 26 patients died, which were set as thesurvival group and the death group, respectively. Compared with the survival group (0.87±0.09, 1.12±0.14), the expression levels of miR-4435 and miR-762 in the peripheral blood of the death group (1.09±0.21, 1.69±0.31) were increased (P<0.05). Cox proportional hazard regression analysis showed that clinical stage, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, miR-4435 expression level and miR762 expression level were all risk factors for poor prognosis of colorectal cancer (P<0.05).Conclusion The expression levels of miR4435 and miR-762 in peripheral blood of patients with colorectal cancer are abnormally increased, which are related to clinical stage,depth of invasion and lymph node metastasis, and are risk factors for poor prognosis of patients.
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