李敏,赵妍丽,杜国波.下调微小 RNA-425-5p靶向第 10号染色体同源缺失性磷酸酶-张力蛋白调控宫颈癌细胞侵袭和迁移的分子机制[J].安徽医药,2022,26(3):523-527.
下调微小 RNA-425-5p靶向第 10号染色体同源缺失性磷酸酶-张力蛋白调控宫颈癌细胞侵袭和迁移的分子机制
Molecular mechanism of the downregulation of miR-425-5p targeting PTEN to regulate the invasion and migration of cervical cancer cells
中文关键词: 子宫肿瘤  CaSki细胞  钙黏着糖蛋白类  微小 RNA-425-5p  第 10号染色体同源缺失性磷酸酶 -张力蛋白  转移  侵袭
英文关键词: Uterine neoplasms  CaSki cell  Cadherins  MiR-425-5p  Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten  Metastasis  Invasion
李敏 川北医学院附属医院肿瘤科四川南充 637000  
赵妍丽 川北医学院附属医院肿瘤科四川南充 637000  
杜国波 川北医学院附属医院肿瘤科四川南充 637000 duguobo@yeah.net 
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      目的研究下调微小 RNA(miR)-425-5p靶向第 10号染色体同源缺失性磷酸酶 -张力蛋白( PTEN)调控宫颈癌 Caski细胞侵袭和迁移的分子机制。方法本研究起止时间为 2018年 12月至 2019年 11月。以宫颈癌 Caski细胞为探讨对象,转染 miR-425-5p抑制剂( inhibitor),PTEN siRNA和 miR-425-5p inhibitor共转染到宫颈癌 Caski细胞; MTT法测定细胞增殖, Transwell小室测定细胞侵袭和迁移;在线靶基因预测软件发现 PTEN与 miR-425-5p可能互为靶向关系,荧光素酶报告系统鉴定靶向关系;蛋白质印迹法( Western blotting)测定上皮钙黏素( E-cadherin)、神经钙黏素( N-cadherin)蛋白表达。结果转染 miR-425-5p inhibitor后的宫颈癌 Caski细胞 miR-425-5p表达量降低[( 0.96±0.15)比( 0.32±0.04)],增殖[( 0.47±0.05)比( 0.23±0.04)]、侵袭[( 95.32±7.86)比( 63.17±5.22)]及迁移[( 140.88±13.94)比( 89.64±9.57)]能力降低, E-cadherin表达上调[( 0.29±0.05)比( 0.65±
      Objective To investigate the molecular mechanism of the downregulation of microRNA (miR)-425-5p targeting phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) to regulate the invasion and migration of cervical cancer CaSki cells.Meth? ods The study period was from December 2018 to November 2019. Cervical cancer Caski cells were used as the research object,transfected with miR-425-5p inhibitor, and cotransfected with PTEN siRNA and miR-425-5p inhibitor into cervical cancer Caski cells.The MTT assay was used to measure cell proliferation, and a Transwell chamber was used to measure cell invasion and migration. Theonline target gene prediction software found that PTEN and miR-425-5p may have a targeting relationship with each other, and the luciferase reporter system identified the targeting relationship. Western blotting was used to determine the protein expression of epithelialcadherin (E-cadherin) and neural cadherin (N-cadherin).Results The expression of miR-425-5p in cervical cancer Caski cells transfected with miR-425-5p inhibitor decreased [(0.96±0.15) vs. (0.32±0.04)], proliferation [(0.47±0.05) vs. (0.23±0.04)], invasion [(95.32±7.86) vs. (63.17±5.22)] and migration [(140.88±13.94) vs. (89.64±9.57)] were decreased. The expression of E-cadherin [(0.29±0.05) vs. (0.65±0.07)] was upregulated, while the expression of N-cadherin [(0.59±0.04) vs. (0.30±0.04)] was downregulated. miR-425-5p targets and negatively regulates PTEN expression. PTEN siRNA can reverse the inhibitory effect of downregulation of miR-425-5p on the proliferation, invasion and migration of cervical cancer CaSki cells.Conclusion Downregulation of miR-425-5p targeting PTEN inhibits the invasion and migration of cervical cancer CaSki cells.
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