李庆伟,李威,杨继东,等.肝细胞癌组织微 RNA-597表达与临床病理特征、肝动脉化疗栓塞术疗效的关系[J].安徽医药,2024,28(2):290-294.
肝细胞癌组织微 RNA-597表达与临床病理特征、肝动脉化疗栓塞术疗效的关系
Research on the relationship between miR-597 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue and clinicopathological features and TACE efficacy
中文关键词: 肝细胞癌  微核糖核酸 -597  肝动脉化疗栓塞术  临床病理特征  疗效
英文关键词: Liver cancer  MicroRNA-597  Hepatic arterial chemoembolization  Clinicopathological features  Curative effect
李庆伟 荆门市人民医院血管介入科湖北荆门 448000  
李威 荆门市人民医院血管介入科湖北荆门 448000  
杨继东 荆门市人民医院血管介入科湖北荆门 448000  
喻刘杨 荆门市人民医院肿瘤科湖北荆门 448000  
龙健 荆门市人民医院血管介入科湖北荆门 448000 985847963@qq.com 
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      目的探讨肝细胞癌组织微核糖核酸 -597(miR-597)表达与临床病理特征、肝动脉化疗栓塞术( TACE)疗效的关系。方法选取 2019年 1月至 2021年 1月荆门市人民医院收治的肝细胞癌病人 136例,比较不同临床病理特征病人癌组织中 miR-597表达水平;另治疗后随访 3个月,根据 TACE疗效将病人分为有效组和无效组,并比较 miR-597表达水平;采用多因素 logis. tic回归分析影响肝细胞癌病人 TACE疗效的相关因素。结果伴门静脉癌栓、伴淋巴结转移、肿瘤长径 >5 cm、Ⅲa期、低分化、 Child-Pugh分级 B级的肝细胞癌病人癌组织中 miR-597表达水平均低于无门静脉癌栓、无淋巴结转移、肿瘤长径 ≤5 cm、Ⅰb+Ⅱ期、中高分化、 Child-Pugh分级 A级的病人(P<0.05); TACE治疗后,治疗有效率为 22.06%,有效组癌组织中 miR-597表达水平高于无效组( 0.827±0.054比 0.351±0.046,P<0.05);经 logistic回归分析发现,门静脉癌栓、淋巴结转移、肿瘤长径、临床分期、病理分化、 Child-Pugh分级、微血管侵犯、血清甲胎蛋白( AFP)及癌组织中 miR-597表达水平均是肝细胞癌病人 TACE疗效的影响因素( P<0.05)。结论肝细胞癌组织 miR-597表达水平与病人临床病理学特征密切相关,且 miR-597表达水平亦与 TACE疗效有关,其低表达量常提示 TACE疗效不佳。
      Objective To investigate the relationship between microRNA-597 (miR-597) expression in hepatocellular carcinoma tis.sue and clinicopathological features and the efficacy of hepatic arterial chemoembolization (TACE).Methods A total of 136 patientswith hepatocellular carcinoma admitted to Jingmen People's Hospital from January 2019 ro January 2021 were selected. The expres.sion levels of miR-597 in cancer tissues of patients with different clinicopathological features were compared. Followed up for 3 monthafter treatment, patients were divided into the effective group and the ineffective group according to the efficacy of TACE, and the ex.pression level of miR-597 was compared. Multivariate logistic regression analysis method was used to analyze the influencing factors ofTACE in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.Results The expression levels of miR-597 in cancer tissues of patients with portalvein tumor thrombus, lymph node metastasis, maximum tumor diameter>5 cm, stage IIIa, poorly differentiated, Child-Pugh grade Bwere lower than those of patients without portal vein tumor thrombus, lymph node metastasis,maximum tumor diameter≤5 cm, stage Ⅰb+Ⅱ, moderately well differentiated, Child-Pugh gradeA (P<0.05). After TACE treatment, the effective rate was 22.06% (30/136), and in the effective group the expression level of miR-597 in cancer tissues was higher than that in the ineffective group (0.827±0.054 vs. 0.351±0.046, P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that portal vein tumor thrombus, lymph node metastasis, maximum tumor di.ameter, clinical stage,pathological differentiation, Child-pugh grade, microvascular invasion, serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and miR-597 expression level in cancer tissues were influencing factors for TACE efficacy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (P<0.05). Conclusion The expression level of miR-597 in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue is closely related to the clinical pathological charac.teristics of patients, and the expression level of miR-597 is also related to the efficacy of TACE, and its low expression often indicates that the efficacy of TACE is poor.
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