Progress in the study of depression in primary Sj.gren syndrome
中文关键词: 原发性干燥综合征  抑郁  利妥昔单抗  医学,中国传统  进展
英文关键词: Primary Sj.gren syndrome  Depression  Rituximab  Medicine, Chinese traditional  Progress
基金项目:重庆市自然科学基金项目( cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0404);重庆市技术创新与应用示范专项社会民生类重点研发项目(cstc2018jscx-mszdx0092);重庆市科研院所绩效激励引导专项项目( cstc2017jxjl130033);重庆市科卫联合中医药技术创新与应用发展项目( 2020ZY3603);成都中医药大学“杏林学者”学科人才科研提升项目( yyzx2020056)
戴敏 重庆市中医院风湿科重庆 400021  
刘婷 重庆市中医院风湿科重庆 400021  
许潆月 重庆市中医院风湿科重庆 400021  
王莎莎 重庆市中医院风湿科重庆 400021 frencence@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 329
全文下载次数: 155
      原发性干燥综合征( pSS)是一种需要引起足够重视的慢性身心疾病。在 pSS中,抑郁比口眼干引起更多的个人和社会负担,抑郁症应作为 pSS治疗的重要目标之一。 pSS抑郁的患病率为 8.33%~75.56%,其中女性,年龄在 65~80岁,以及诊断干燥综合征后的第 1年和第 5年发生风险最高。 pSS抑郁与 pSS疾病本身免疫炎症、临床症状以及病人承受的社会压力等多种因素有关。寻找与 pSS抑郁发病密切相关的细胞因子,并阐明其介导抑郁发病的可能机制是目前研究的重点。抑郁常干扰 pSS的治疗效果,早期诊治 pSS抑郁对病人生活质量和疾病结局的改善至关重要。在原发病治疗的基础上,联合抗抑郁治疗,可提高临床疗效。利妥昔单抗在改善干燥临床症状和神经系统受累方面均有一定疗效,可能成为 pSS抑郁病人的不错选择,但需要更多的临床证据支撑。鉴于中医药在治疗 pSS抑郁中的有效性和协同作用,临床治疗中可尽早考虑。
      Primary Sj.gren syndrome (pSS) is a chronic physical and mental disease that needs enough attention. Depression in pSScauses higher personal and social burdens than dry mouth and eye, and it should be more recognized as a pSS treatment goal. Preva.lence of pSS depression is estimated to be between 8.33% and 75.56%, with female, aged 65-80, and the highest risk of occurrence inthe first and fifth years after diagnosis of dry syndrome. pSS depression is associated with immune inflammation, clinical symptoms andsocial pressure on patients. Finding cytokines closely related to the pathogenesis of pSS depression and clarifying its possible mecha.nism is the focus of current research. Depression often interferes with the therapeutic effect of pSS. Early recognition, diagnosis pSStreatment of depression are essential for the improvement of patients' quality of life and disease outcome. On the basis of primary dis.ease treatment, combined with antidepressant treatment can improve clinical efficacy. Rituximab has a certain effect in improving dryclinical symptoms and nervous system involvement, which may be a good choice for patients with pSS depression, but it needs moreclinical evidence to support it. Given the effectiveness and synergy of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of pSS depression,clinical treatment can be considered as early as possible. On the whole, the existing antidepressants and treatment methods can notmeet the clinical needs of pSS depression. We need to further strengthen the mechanism of pSS depression, find potential therapeutictargets, and develop new, more effective and specific drugs.
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