投稿时间:2024-05-09  录用日期:2024-07-08
中文关键词: 大肠息肉  干果摄入  孟德尔随机化
董魁* 邯郸市第一医院 河北省邯郸市丛台区丛台路25号邯郸市第一医院
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      目的:使用孟德尔随机化(Mendelian Randomization,MR)分析方法,探究干果摄入与大肠息肉的因果关系。方法:以基因预测的饮食因素(干果摄入)作为暴露因素,以大肠息肉作为结局因素。从IEU open GWAS数据库(https://gwas.mrcieu.ac.uk)中提取相关全基因组关联研究(Genome Wide Association Study,GWAS)数据,并从中筛选出合适的工具变量(Instrumental Variables, IVs)进行MR分析。在本MR研究中,我们主要使用逆方差加权法(Inverse Variance Weighted,IVW),辅以另外三种方法:MR-Egger法、加权中位数(Weighted Median,WME)和加权模式(Weighted Mode)方法,进行MR分析探讨干果摄入与大肠息肉的因果关系,同时绘制IVs相关的干果摄入与大肠息肉的散点图与森林图将两者关系可视化。进一步行敏感性分析,Cochran′s Q检验异质性,MR-Egger 截距检验水平多效性,“留一法”检验结果的稳健性,并进一步绘制漏斗图及“留一法”分析图。结果:IVW法证实基因预测的干果摄入与大肠息肉之间存在因果关系(OR=0.432,95%CI:0.277~0.674,P<0.001),其他三种MR方法也产生了类似的结果。异质性分析IVW检验(Q=37.414,P=0.587)和MR-Egger检验(Q=37.380,P=0.544)均提示IVs之间不存在异质性。MR-Egger回归截距为0.002 (P=0.856),提示IVs不存在水平多效性。MR-PRESSO分析未发现离群值。此外,“留一法”分析并未发现单一IVs对两者因果关系存在较大影响,证明了MR结果的稳健性。结论:干果摄入可降低大肠息肉的发病风险,为临床预防大肠息肉发生提供新的依据。
      Objective: To investigate the causal relationship between dried fruit intake and large intestine polyps by Mendelian Randomization (MR). Methods: Genetically predicted dietary factors (dried fruit intake) were used as exposure factors, and large intestine polyps were used as outcome factors. From the IEU open GWAS database (https://gwas.mrcieu.ac.uk) to extract relevant genome-wide Association studies (GWAS) data, Appropriate Instrumental Variables (IVs) were selected for MR Analysis. In this MR Study, Inverse Variance Weighted (IVW) method is mainly used, supplemented by three other methods:MR-Egger method, Weighted Median (WME) and Weighted Mode method. MR Analysis was performed to explore the causal relationship between dried fruit intake and large intestine polyps. Meanwhile, scatter plots and forest plots related to IVs were drawn to visualize the relationship between dried fruit intake and large intestine polyps. Further sensitivity analysis, Cochran′s Q test for heterogeneity, MR-Egger intercept test for level pleiotropy, robustness of one method test results, and further drawing funnel diagram and one method analysis diagram. Results: IVW confirmed a causal relationship between genetically predicted dried fruit intake and large intestine polyps (OR=0.432,95%CI: 0.277-0.674,P<0.001), and the other three MR Methods produced similar results. Heterogeneity analysis IVW test (Q=37.414, P=0.587) and MR-Egger test (Q=37.380, P=0.544) both indicated that there was no heterogeneity among IVs. The MR-Egger regression intercept was 0.002 (P=0.856), suggesting that there was no horizontal pleiotropy in IVs. MR-PRESSO analysis found no outliers. In addition, no single IVs was found to have a significant effect on the causal relationship between the two, which proves the robustness of MR Results. Conclusion: Dried fruit intake can reduce the risk of colorectal polyps and provide a new basis for clinical prevention of colorectal polyps.
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