投稿时间:2024-05-16  录用日期:2024-07-03
中文关键词: SD大鼠、卵巢扭转、形态学、卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素、抗苗勒管激素
李凯鑫* 遵义医科大学附属医院 贵州省遵义市遵义医科大学附属医院
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      目的 探讨性成熟前期大鼠卵巢扭转后,对处于不同状态的扭转卵巢(扭转未坏死、扭转疑似坏死及扭转坏死),予以何种手术方式处理,可最大限度的降低性成熟期健侧卵巢生殖功能的损害。方法 采用类似建立“睾丸扭转”动物模型的国际通用Turner法制作卵巢扭转动物模型。56只性成熟前期3周龄SD雌鼠,随机分为7组, 每组8只,并随机选择一组进行假手术,作为对照组(CG),余6组分别制作:扭转未坏死卵巢复位组(NNOR)/切除组(NNOO)、扭转疑似坏死卵巢复位组(SNOR)/切除组(SNOO)、扭转坏死卵巢复位组(NOR)/切除组(NOO)。然后继续饲养5周至性成熟期,采用颈椎脱臼法处死动物,切取健侧卵巢石蜡包埋行HE染色观察组织形态学变化,并留置心脏血液后离心取血清,ELISA法检测相关激素(FSH、LH、AMH)水平。结果 性成熟期健侧卵巢组织结构改变:CG组健侧卵巢结构清晰,各级卵泡发育良好,成熟卵泡中颗粒细胞层多且清晰、卵泡液含量丰富,并可见完整的卵母细胞,卵巢间质中未见明显的炎症细胞浸润及纤维化;NNOR组/NNOO组:健侧卵巢均未出现明显组织形态学改变;SNOR组/SNOO组:健侧卵巢部分结构排列欠佳,各级卵泡及成熟卵泡数目较CG组少,闭锁卵泡数目较CG组多,颗粒细胞排列欠佳。NOR组/NOO组:前者健侧卵巢结构排列紊乱,各级卵泡数目较CG组明显减少,闭锁卵泡数目较CG组明显增多,颗粒细胞层减少、排列紊乱,卵巢间质内可见血管扩张、淋巴细胞浸润;后者,健侧卵巢仅表现为部分卵巢结构排列欠佳。各激素水平在NNOR组与NNOO组间比较,以及在SNOR组与SNOO组间比较,差异无统计学意义(Ρ>0.05);在NOR组与NOO组间比较,NOR组AMH水平降低,FSH、LH水平升高(Ρ<0.05);CG组各激素水平与NNOR组、NNOO组以及NOO组间比较,差异无统计学意义;与SNOR组、SNOO组及NOR组间比较,AMH水平较CG组低,FSH、LH水平较CG组高(Ρ<0.05)。 结论 性成熟前期扭转疑似坏死卵巢具有保留价值,扭转坏死卵巢切除后对性成熟期健侧卵巢具有保护作用。
      Objective To study the surgical treatment of torsional ovaries in different states (non-necrotic torsion, suspected necrotic torsion and necrotic torsion) after ovarian torsion in premature rats, so as to minimize the damage to the reproductive function of the healthy ovary in sexual maturity. Methods The animal model of ovarian torsion was made by the method similar to Turner's method. fifty-six female SD rats with 3-week-old were randomly divided into 7 groups with 8 rats in each group. And one group was randomly selected to perform the simu-lated surgery as a control group (CG). The remaining 6 groups were made torsion Non Ne-crotic Ovarian Reservation group/Oophorectomy group (NNOR/NNOO) and torsion Suspect-ed Necrotic Ovarian Reservation group/Oophorectomy group (SNOR/SNOO) and torsion Necrotic Ovarian Reservation group/Oophorectomy group (NOR/NOO). Feeding was then continued for 5 weeks until sexual maturity, the animals were sacrificed by cervical disloca-tion method, and the healthy ovary was cut and paraffin-embedded for HE staining to observe the histological changes. The heart blood was retained and the serum was collected by cen-trifugation and the levels of related hormones that Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Lute-inizing hormone (LH), Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) were detected by ELISA. Results Structural changes of the contralateral ovary in the mature stage: In the CG group, the contra-lateral ovary structure was clear, the ovarian follicles at all levels were well developed, the granulosa cells in the mature follicles were distributed in many layers and the content of fol-licular fluid was rich, which complete oocytes could be seen, and there was no obvious in-flammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis in the ovarian stroma. In NNOR and NNOO groups, there was no significant histomorphological changes in the contralateral ovary. In SNOR and SNOO groups, partial structure of the contralateral ovary was poorly arranged, the number of all levels of follicles and mature follicles was slightly lower than that in CG group, the num-ber of atretic follicles was slightly higher than that in CG group, and the granulosa cells were poorly arranged. In NOR and NOO group, the contralateral ovary of the former group was arranged in disorder, the number of follicles at all levels was reduced, the number of atretic follicles was increased, the number of granulosa cell layers was reduced and arranged in dis-order, and blood vessel dilatation and lymphocyte infiltration were observed in the ovarian stroma. In the latter group, the contralateral ovary only showed slight morphological changes, showing that part of the ovarian structure was not arranged well. There were no significant differences in the levels of related hormones between the NNOR and NNOO groups, as well as between the SNOR and SNOO groups (P > 0.05). Compared with the NOR and NOO group, the NOR group had a significantly lower level of AMH and a significantly higher level of FSH and LH (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in related hormone levels be-tween CG group and NNOR group, NNOO group and NOO group. Compared with group SNOR, SNOO and NOR, the level of AMH was lower and the levels of FSH and LH were higher in group SNOR, SNOO and NOR (P < 0.05). Conclusion Torsion of the suspected ne-crotic ovary in the prematurity period has preservation value, and the resection of the necrotic ovary has a protective effect on the healthy ovary in the sexual maturity period.
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