汪化文,申仑.血清 C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 3、C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 9水平与冠状动脉钙化及严重程度的关系[J].安徽医药,2022,26(2):351-359.
血清 C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 3、C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 9水平与冠状动脉钙化及严重程度的关系
The relationships between serum CTRP3, CTRP9 levels and coronary artery calcification and severity in non-diabetic patients
中文关键词: 冠状动脉疾病  C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 3  C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 9  冠状动脉钙化
英文关键词: Coronary artery disease  C1q/tumor necrosis factor related protein 3  C1q/tumor necrosis factor related protein 9  Coronary artery calcification
汪化文 邯郸市中心医院老年医学科河北邯郸 056000 
申仑 邯郸市第一医院神经外科河北邯郸 056000 
摘要点击次数: 1465
全文下载次数: 573
      目的检测 C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 3(CTRP3)、 C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白 9(CTRP9)在冠状动脉钙化( CAC)病人血清中的表达情况,探讨两者与 CAC严重程度的关系。方法选取 2017年 8月至 2019年 7月邯郸市中心医院接收的 CAC病人 128例,按照冠状动脉钙化积分( CACS)将其分为少量钙化组( 28例)、轻度钙化组( 32例)、中度钙化组( 38例)和重度钙化组(30例)选取同期健康者 130例为健康对照组。分别采集两组外周血并分离出血清,利用酶联免疫吸附法( ELISA)检测血清中 CTRP3、C,TRP9的表达水平,使用全自动生化分析仪分析血脂指标三酰甘油( TG)、总胆固醇( TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)以及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇( LDL-C)水平,采用 Pearson法分析 CAC病人血清中 CTRP3、CTRP9水平与 TG、TC、HDL-C、 LDL-C的相关性,采用多因素 logistic回归分析影响 CAC发生的因素。结果与健康对照组相比, CAC组血清中 CTRP3[( 67.26±7.58)μg/L比( 80.05±16.23)μg/L]、 CTRP9[( 34.15±2.65)μg/L比( 39.26±3.12)μg/L]和 HDL-C水平[( 1.17±0.22)mmol/L比( 1.64±0.31)mmol/L]明显下降( P<0.05), TC[( 5.43±0.86)mmol/L比( 4.52±0.53)mmol/L]、 TG[( 1.99±0.41)mmol/L比( 1.58±
      Objective To detect the expressions of C1q/tumor necrosis factor-related protein 3 (CTRP3) and C1q/tumor necrosis fac. tor-related protein 9 (CTRP9) in serum of non-diabetic patients with coronary artery calcification (CAC), and to explore their relation. ships with incidence and severity of CAC.Methods A total of 128 non-diabetic patients with CAC admitted to Handan Central Hospi.tal from August 2017 to July 2019 were selected and divided into small amount of calcification group (28 cases), mild calcificationgroup (32 cases), moderate calcification group (38 cases) and severe calcification group (30 cases) according to the coronary artery calci.fication score (CACS), and 130 healthy people in the same period were selected as control group. Peripheral blood samples were collect.ed from non-diabetic CAC patients and healthy people, and hemorrhagic serum was separated, the expression levels of CTRP3 andCTRP9 in serum were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the levels of triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were analyzed by automatic biochemicalanalyzer, and Pearson method was used to analyze the correlations between serum CTRP3 and CTRP9 levels and TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C in non-diabetic patients with CAC, multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the factors affecting the occurrence of CAC. Results Compared with the control group, the levels of serum CTRP3 [(67.26±7.58) μg/L vs. (80.05±16.23)μg/L], CTRP9 [(34.15± 2.65)μg/L vs. (39.26±3.12)μg/L] and HDL-C [(1.17±0.22) mmol/L vs. (1.64±0.31) mmol/L] in CAC group decreased significantly (P< 0.05), while the levels of TC [(5.43±0.86) mmol/L vs. (4.52±0.53) mmol/L], TG[(1.99±0.41) mmol/L vs. (1.58±0.27) mmol/L], LDL-C
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